Here's a perfect opportunity for noobs to get noticed. You'd think this comment section would be jammed with people promoting the shit out of themselves. Instead, the people who actually look, are here, to see. I came to find some noobs.
Show me your noobs!
Disclaimer: I was being facetious, intentionally. That means, don't take this too seriously.
i want to see ur noobs, sexy boy
Eyes up here! Prevert
Pervert but pronounced like Colbert in Stephen Colbert! Pervair!
Are you challenging me? Well, pervert pronounced like a Frenchman: L'perverteur
Pervert with long rolling r's so I sound like a machine gun!
I laughed too much with this one XDDDDDDD
Me too, there's @curie's to be dished out. I'm still looking.
Independent manual curators like me also have votes to dish out. The networking effect knows no bounds. These noobs should try it sometime...