Jedna mirna gradska ulica/akvarel/ One quiet city street/watercolor

in Sketchbook5 months ago (edited)

Ulice mojeg grada
Ove ulice su iste
a opet drugacije
Izgledaju vece i sire
izgledaju umivene i ciste
a ljudi nekako manji...
Opticka varka,rekao bih
Ove ulice su vesele
i osvetljene
bilibordi i reklame
sljaste sa svih strana
siroki osmesi ,negovani zubi
"praznik slazi na ulice nase...

The streets of my city
These streets are the same
and yet different
They look bigger and wider
they look washed and clean
and people somehow smaller...
An optical illusion, I would say
These streets are cheerful
and illuminated
billboards and advertisements
sweet from all sides
wide smiles, well-kept teeth
"the holiday is coming to our streets...


Namrsteni i opljackani
prolaze pokraj njih
ispod njihovih stisnutih usana je
Onaj ko ne zna za ponos
ne primecuje ponizenje

Frowning and robbed
they pass by them
it is under their pursed lips
One who knows no pride
he does not notice the humiliation


Nasmejani gledaju namrstene
negovani se osmehuju
ulicom odzvanja muzika
praznih stomaka...

Smiling look frowning
the nurtured smile
music echoes through the street
empty stomach...



...ove ulice su svakako iste
ali ipak, drugacije.

these streets are definitely the same
but still, different.

Text source:


Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!