Is it wrong for me to say I'm so glad you know what I mean? It's embarrassing to admit the truth sometimes. Everything you said I totally believe.
has to be driving, we are both on high alert. It's habit. That's how she and I drive. Everyone I know drives the same. We have to keep an eye out for each other when we're.... "cop!" It doesn't mean speeding, loud music, doesn't mean anything you're thinking... "cop!"@farm-mom. When Pura and I are out somewhere driving,
The very next thing in everyone's mind:
Put your tattoos away!
Quick! Get'em below the windows stat!
It's habit. Instinctual. IT SUCKS farm-mom. In the UK, you can ask cops for directions. Can you believe that?!?
I saw your response before this one, it's so nice I need more time to respond properly.
Don’t sweat it, live your best self every day. Be good to yourself . Love will follow.