Is this a story based on actual facts, with the names and faces blurred out to protect their identity? Or is it a tall tale told from a genius writer, who may or may not watch a lot of crime movies, with a scared straight theme? Hum? I just hope it doesn't turn into a series to binge on.
Wow Dandays, you have a gift for words that puts the reader right there, watching a crazy night unfold. I could not stop reading it. My mouth dropped open a few times. My heart ached a bit also if I can be honest. What really hit me was the "Sine off". I have actually seen patient come into the ER off their rocker from mixing alcohol with that type of over the counter medication. It's crazy. And what does a kid know? Just out of high school, most kids think they are actually grown up and just want some fun and freedom. Tough lessen. I am just happy the homeowner with the gun had his shit together or maybe this story would never have made it onto the blockchain. Geez us.
But the story had a good ending and that's what really counts. We all do some dumb things in our youth, trick is to learn from it, never to repeat.
A masterful piece of prose.
Ps, just read "that one". and they wonder why we mistrust the po po. I can't believe they get away with that kind of harassment. I'm scared to be stopped driving home from Jersey when I am by myself. I just don't trust them, I have heard too many stories about how they love to feel the power. Wakos in every profession I guess, but some police are known to have that Napoleon complex. I actually know a few, it kills me that we are at their mercy. Try have three teenage sons, just learning to drive, crap, they would get pulled over regularly, only to be pushed around mentally then let go, never knowing why they were stopped.
Is it wrong for me to say I'm so glad you know what I mean? It's embarrassing to admit the truth sometimes. Everything you said I totally believe.
has to be driving, we are both on high alert. It's habit. That's how she and I drive. Everyone I know drives the same. We have to keep an eye out for each other when we're.... "cop!" It doesn't mean speeding, loud music, doesn't mean anything you're thinking... "cop!"@farm-mom. When Pura and I are out somewhere driving,
The very next thing in everyone's mind:
Put your tattoos away!
Quick! Get'em below the windows stat!
It's habit. Instinctual. IT SUCKS farm-mom. In the UK, you can ask cops for directions. Can you believe that?!?
I saw your response before this one, it's so nice I need more time to respond properly.
Don’t sweat it, live your best self every day. Be good to yourself . Love will follow.
Check it out, an unbiased opinion that supports what I was saying. And she's a grandma!!
A series to binge on is one of those farm-mom comments again she probably didn't realize will likely resonate with me for a life sentence.
:gavel slam:
Good morning! Sure am glad you liked this one, thank you. It's just us here, right? I got Pura and people like Ed Privat in my ear really pushing me to attempt a book. Pura says between this one and the Curtis one it's there already. Ed would like me to just elaborate on details while in prison and extend this story. That would be simple. I could write another 5k words just on Jesse. He was the dude who did not allow that channel to change on Spanish day ever. That dude was gnarly!
My point is, you said:
might've been the last little nudge I needed.Thank you.
Good morning my friend. I agree with Pura and Ed. Why not give it a try, you have the material and you have the ability to slide some humor into those dark experiences to keep the reader from crashing. I think if you stay focused you could pump out a novel in no time. When Pura slips out to work, you sit down and go to work also.
Dream big.
You enjoy writing, so why not, be good for your soul.
That being said, you must promise to send me a signed copy as soon as it hits the book stores. 😉