I just finished a 4.17km running that lasted about 0hh:27mm:43ss !

Hello hello!
For whatever reason it seems to rain just when I go out for a run this week. I totally thought summer was bangin' on the door a week or two ago, but nope, not for the ol PNW.
Running has still been crazy hard... I usually take 2 days off running over the weekends, and I'm super glad for it this week. I need to get right back into the rehab and prehab part of my training. I stretched for the first time in a couple of weeks last night, and obviously need to work the foam roller back in as well.
Complaining about it yesterday motivated me to actually do something about it... and hopefully I can keep it up in this brand new world.
I totally understand the reason for the Hive pump, and it is super exciting. I jumped on Steem today to see what was happening with the witnesses and the site itself, and my own feed looks so different from the way that it's looked for the past couple of years. It's almost unrecognizable, with only a fraction of the people I follow posting on both chains. Honestly I'll be glad to powerdown everything and just focus on this one.
The sheepies have been good. It's funny, throughout the day they just don't care about us at all... but from around 4pm they care about us so much, and pretty much yell out for us for hours. We feed them some grain around 6:30pm... and they're beside themselves in anticipation.
I think they forget that once they've had the grain then they're just trapped in a stable for 12 hours with nothing to eat instead of a super lush field... but I also wonder if, since they are prey animals, they're keen to get inside and bedded down before dark.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Looks like my friend my join over the weekend, thanks to @niallon11 for setting it up for us!

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The cutest sheepie nose 😭❤️
It truly is...
That one is so funny, she's so friendly and calm in her stable, and when we're behind the fence... but in the field with us she won't come within a metre... we're like... 'it's just us, you know us'.
Is it cool rain? Cool rain when you're feeling hot on a run is great XD Or maybe tepid rain if it's kind of cool and kind of warm.
Sometimes you just need to complain publicly for something to work XD or at least I've found that seems to work for whatever I'm working on at the time, maybe it's just trying to make me look dumb XD
Guess the sheepies like their shelter at night, sounds much safer than sleeping out in the nice lush green field where the wolves can eat you :)
Hahaha, also CARBS!
Yeah, the rain is cool. Not freezing, and so once I get over that initial unpleasant first km, it's actually really nice... but when you're looking for any excuse to not run, it can push you over the edge.
Luckily I'm competing with my work mates in the Nike Run Club app, so if I don't run I have to hear about it... and that's more motivating than any amount of unmotivating cool rain.
It's so funny, they are so incredibly loud when they want their grain, but they're completely silent once we put them to bed. I think their fear of wolves really keeps them quiet, which is amazing because given how loud they were on that first day (given their lives had totally changed) I was really worried.
Any kind of motivation that can help override that mood where you're looking for any excuse to not is great XD
That's a decent run. We know all about rain over here in Ireland but it's actually really sunny this week for some exercise.
Glad to help your friend. I set up a good few people yesterday and its great to see so many people interested. Hopefully you can show them the ropes and they get addicted like the rest of us. 💪
Thanks! I'm sure, just like Ireland, the hills that I'm tackling are pretty brutal, so it's not an easy run at all... but that keeps me interested. Every day I'm sure I'm going to conquer my last big hill, and I haven't yet, but who knows... next week might be the week!
Haha, I'm sure she will. She checked out the Trending page when I first mentioned it, and so I had to explain that no, hardly anyone makes $40 per post... and it takes a while to build up a following and friends, but she's really nice so I'm sure she'll get stuck right in.
The Hive pump has been pretty exciting to see! Something to do with a listing on Huobi or something? I dunno. But it's nice to have some validation that this is where things are happenin'.
Good on ya for workin' out! I'm hoping to get out for a bikeride this morning here, but I'm still pretty deeply in lazy-morning-coffee mode.
We'll see how it shakes out.
Yeah, I think that's exactly it... Huobi and MXC on the same day... and once CoinMarketCap lists those market pairs on their site, I'm sure a lot more people in the crypto world will come along to investigate. At the moment the only rise on CMC is from Bittrex arbitrage.
Thanks dude! My partner is currently doing an online zoom workout with the world and I'm here playing on my computer waiting for my dough to prove so I can make Saturday morning fresh garlic flatbread.
That said... I believe in you.
Also, weirdly, when I went to create this post... I actually got the 'Bad Gateway' error again, but I refreshed and then it was fine. So strange.
Hmmm... yeah that's weird.. You may have caught it while I was rebooting things?
Had to force a couple updates, so I could do some minor work on cloning the DB for testing the beta-site.
Still workin' on my coffee :D Gotta spend some time out in the garage today too -- building a lapidary grinder to start shaping and polishing stones. Got a motor and errrrrvrythang. Just need to not cut my fingers off while I"m building the housing.
You have uploaded 79 running activities, and 74 of them have been of similar distances (within 10 percent)!
Here are your 5-fastest running activities of a similar distance:
Over these 74 similar activities, you have travelled approximately 289.58 kms at an average pace of roughly 6:46 min/km!
Your latest run was at a pace of approximately 6.647min/km!
Looks like you went a bit faster than usual this time! Nice work!
Have a !BEER for your troubles!
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