Photographic Art with the Silhouette of my Hand to visualize Abstract Shapes . CONTEST #8 ENTRY Highlighting Shadow Hunters

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago







Arte Fotográfico con la Silueta de mi Mano para visualizar Formas Abstractas .Mi Entrada Concurso #8 Destacando a los Cazadores de Sombras

Hola Cazadores de Sombras!/ Hello Shadow Hunters!!

Es mi primera Vez participando en el concurso #8, en esta oportunidad, se me ocurrió utilizar mi pendrive cabeza de pollito, como lo pueden observar en la Imagen. Es objeto de gran valor para mí porque tengo guardado la mayoría de mis artes, y además me lo regalo una persona que estimo mucho!

This is my first time participating in the contest #8, in this opportunity, I decided to use my chick head pendrive, as you can see in the image. It is an object of great value to me because I have saved most of my art, and it was also a gift from a person I love very much!
Best regards!


Las Capturas fotográficas las realice durante el día, de forma que utilice la linterna de mi celular para conseguir #sombra según el ángulo del celular. También realice la prueba con el Flax de la Cámara del Celular Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 pero no me resultaba adecuada para el objetivo que quería alcanzar.

The photographic captures were taken during the day, so I used the flashlight of my cell phone to get #shade according to the angle of the cell phone. I also tested with the Flax Camera of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 cell phone but it was not suitable for the objective I wanted to achieve.




Una Vez que encontré la sombra con la silueta de mi mano y el objeto, me agradaron tanto que procedí a captura las fotos. De manera que Obtuve dos Formas Abstractas, como pueden observar en las

Once I found the shadow with the silhouette of my hand and the object, I liked them so much that I proceeded to capture the photos. So I obtained two Abstract Shapes, as you can see in the



También, procedí editar las imágenes utilizando como guía el Trazo de la proporción áurea o espiral áureo que se encuentra en la naturaleza y es muy utilizada por artistas y fotógrafos para crear sus obras y obtener una composición Visualmente armoniosa.

Also, I proceeded to edit the images using as a guide the golden ratio or golden spiral that is found
in nature and is widely used by artists and photographers
to create their works and obtain a visually harmonious composition.



Una forma más sencilla, para equilibrar la composición de nuestras fotografías es dividirlo en cuadrados iguales, en este caso lo divide en 9 cuadrados iguales entre sí, aunque sus lados no tengan las mismas medidas porque la edición de la fotografía esta de Forma Vertical Rectangular

A simpler way to balance the composition of our photographs is to divide it into equal squares, in this case dividing it into 9 squares equal to each other, although their sides do not have the same measures because the edition of the photograph is in a vertical rectangular shape.



La Cámara del celular Xiaomi Redmi Note 9, tiene la opción para visualizarlo, la idea es ubicar dos puntos de los vértices de los cuadrados centrales para ubicar los puntos focales.

The camera of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 cell phone has the option to display it, the idea is to locate two points of the vertices of the central squares to locate the focal points.

Ahora, que cuentan con dos #Herramientas anteriormente mencionadas para perfeccionar nuestras #fotografías, espero que resulte de gran utilidad y continuemos cazando o creando #sombras a partir de nuestra creatividad.

Now that you have the two aforementioned #tools to perfect your #photograpy, I hope you find them useful and that you continue to #hunt or #create #shadows from your creativity.





That's a really creative way on how to depict shadows. Thanks for sharing with us the steps on how you took those lovely shots. Have a wonderful day!

Thank you very much for your appreciation!

Love how you showed how the golden ration is seen in the shadows!

Excellent! Thank you for your appreciation, I appreciate your nice comment! I enjoy reading it

Great post for the OCD Shadow Contest! Did you remember to put your link on the contest post? I didn't see it but can go look again if you did.

Thank you very much for your appreciation! Yes , you are right , I forgot to share it in the publication promoted by @ocd. Thanks for your reminder! It's my first Participation!

Wonderful post.

Thank you very much for your appreciation and support!
