Yooo sorry I was slow to reply to this….hectic week to day the least.
I was saying to a friend today: we don’t need to end globalization, individuals and small businesses need to take it back from the mega corporations though. It’s meant to be beautiful and collaborative, not exploitative. I think it’s happening but sometimes it feels like it’s at a snails pace. Then again with the way I’ve seen culture change the past 2-3 years I understand why people like to take it slow. I can’t keep track of what’s what anymore. It’s very hard to have a model for anything when things change so quick.
I feel very strongly that 2024 is the year though. Said it many times but it feels like 2011 is when we entered a new kind of age and I think 2024 is when we finally get used to this new rhythm and start making really positive developments that aren’t just good for everyone in theory but also in practice.
My life is falling apart before my eyes right now, I might get kicked out of the country within a month but I don’t even feel like anything is going wrong. I feel like this is all just shedding skin in order to level up and become the next version of myself.
There’s that ultra positive self.
I hope I can meet your husband too, never can have too many buddhas 😆