...ALL THINGS DEFINITELY WILL WORK TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD..."Secrets To trusting God whole Heartedly"....

in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago (edited)

Sometimes i have carefully looked around and observed all that is happening in mylife, some of which are very unpleasant situations, i have had to question God most times as to why this things be, i have been serving him, obeying his commandments, living according to his ordinance and will for my life so why does all of these negative things still happen?.......

These and many more are the much question in our heart as Christians why do we suffer, why do things happen in our life that makes us question God, we ask a lot of Questions in our heart and prayers to God , questions that no one can answers, we so wish God can speak out of the heaven so loud and answer us....

It can hurt so badly when no one can understand why certain things happen, why they should happen in the first place to us believers, born again CHRISTIANS, worshipping God and going to church and giving to the church the poor and donating to charity, life ought to be smooth excellent to us believers.

When i ask this question i don't know if its God putting this in my head or me just saying it out of curiousity, i often say to myself "Maybe This is God teaching me something, maybe God is telling me something, i need to pay attention to, i need to withdraw a bit to observe all of these things is God trying to communicate something to me?, is God constraining me?

We as believers need to come to the point were we trust God completely, whole Heartedly, without an iota of doubt, total trust or nothing, remember what God said in James 1:6-8 telling us that when a man prays let him believe not doubting in his heart, for anyone who doubt is like the wave of sea blown and tossed by the wind, such a man cannot recieve anything from God.....

So far i have to realised that God is a loving, caring father, so compassionate, he loved us so much that in Romans 8:32 says God who had not spare his own son, but offered him as a sacrifice for all of us, surely he would give us all things not withholding anything Good from us.....

So when we have come to the knowledge of this truth about his love for us why then do we doubt his plans for us, he reaffirms this in Jeremiah 29:11

For i know the plans i have towards you says the lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE & A FUTURE

why then do we ask all of these questions, why do we worry and become anxious for nothing, didn't he tell us in Phillipians 4:6 Be Anxious for nothing, but in all things through prayers and supplication with thanks giving let your request be made known unto God.

When you know all these, your mind will be at peace, the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding, but then again in our daily affairs we should learn to pay attention to what God is telling us, through his word, using situations, or circumstances to send us a message that we ought discern, to know why this is happening, and to know what to do at that moment.



Most times when things happen, we don’t know why they happened but no condition is permanent and everything will eventually become alright

Very well said, thanks so much for that warm reply ...have a great day

If things are not going as planned, we should just sit back and fold our arms because everything will be fine with God

God will always come through for us anytime any day, ThanYou for stopping by

Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God deliverest him from them all. Pain and sufferings will continue in this world, a lot of unanswered questions, but learning to take God for His words and trusting Him is what we have to do.

Very well said, thankyou for such a warm feedback, definitely that is the whole truth......