Does God Listen To Idol Worshippers. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hiveyesterday

God does not listen to idol worshippers. That is the point. It is straight and forward. If you want to be on God's side, then worship and serve Him alone. You can not serve God and idols together. Our God is a jealous God. He has no communion with idols. So, God only listens to His children. He only answers those who worship Him. He does not listen to idol worshippers.

Being an idol worshipper is to serve other gods which are not the true God of the Bible. The true God of the Bible is the God we should worship. He is the god who made the heavens and the earth. He is the God who has power over our lives. It is only Him who can hear our prayers. Other gods cannot hear our prayers. It is wrong to serve other gods more than the true God of the Bible.