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RE: Worldbuilding Prompt #896 - The Last Shelter

in Worldbuilding17 days ago

Thank you - I knew you'd appreciate it 😁

I had to be careful with the area I covered with the photo, whoever originally made the map had the kind of sense of humour that gets warnings on old films about "outdated attitudes".

The shapes of the continents make the whole world a kind of analogue of the real world - sort of recognisable but different. Just south of Tarkus is an area with country names including Chinka and My Thy, and the United States of Democravia was an equivalent to America that was usually called by it's initials - USOD 😀


LOL That's awesome. USOD pronounced "you sod" I assume? xD

Yep ! 😁

My role as a very young player was as as a member of the Afran League, with the rank of Sheriff of Banzali, a jungle wasteland in the north of the dubiously named country of Robonga.