Dark still

(Bell rings)
Teacher: Remember, kids. Whoever gets it right gets a prize.
See you tomorrow morning.
Students whisper in chorus: probably the smart kids in front will win it?
Dan: why should i bother myself?
(Shrugs and heads for the bus stop with a frown)

Dan: Mom, i am home.
(Falls with back on bed and sighs in anguish)
Dan: oh if i could just come up with a solution for the problem our teacher talked about?
(Sits up and gazes around room)
(Door opens)
Mrs. Jameson: i heard you banging the door while coming in. What's the problem?

(Cricket chirps and Owl hoots)
Dan: oh well, i think it's time to sleep. I can't kill myself over a little math problem.....(chuckles)....but the same little problem in quote has not been cracked till.....(checks wrist watch)....11pm....(gasps in disbelief)
(Stretches and lays on bed)

(Alarm rings)
Dan: oh, it's just 4am.
(Stares at computer.....and shouts)
Dan: Yes...yes. That's it.....oh....yeah. Mom!
(Rushes out of room leaving door ajar)

Generally, Light may mean different things to us, due to the fact that we differ in perspective and experience. The above story defines light as a breakthrough or idea shining through the darkness of self-doubt and uncertainty. Definitely, we get to know what light means to us and one thing is sure - the indispensable nature of light✨.

Gen.1.3 - And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

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