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RE: New probes of leptoquarks at CERN's Large Hadron Collider

in StemSocial2 years ago

Quite interesting.

I am curious, how many particle physicists do we have on this planet?

The next 10,000 HBD question is about how to search for leptoquarks?

Will I get the prize if I answer this question? :)

The next 10,000 HBD question is about how to search for leptoquarks?

 2 years ago  

I am curious, how many particle physicists do we have on this planet?

If you count everybody (theorists, experimenters), I guess we may reach a few 10,000s. Of course, not all of them work on LHC physics. Conversely, not everyone involved in an LHC experiment deals with physics analyses. There are so many tasks to be done. Apologies for not being able to be more precise here. I hope this suffices to satisfy your curiosity.

Will I get the prize if I answer this question? :)

Good try, but the answer is "no", since I answer it in the blog.

Lol...even me...I really need that 10,000 HBD.

The ones that work on LHC, are they also that many?

 2 years ago  

You can count about 3,000 people for each of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. See respectively here and here for the two collaborations.

The two other LHC collaborations (LHCb and ALICE) are much smaller. Then of course, you may want to include the theorists working on these topics. However, even with them, we are probably still way below 10,000 people.