My little kitty is precious to me and even though she is my daughter's, she became mine when she went to college. She is in tune with my moods, emotions and especially when I am not feeling 100%. We all have those days.
When I had a death in my extended family, she lay on me, purring for hours. I felt loved. Yes, I know that the purring is a self-satisfying thing for them, but, I want to think she meant it for me.
The sense when we are going away, mine follows me around as if I am going to make a run for it, and I do miss the sweet purring, cuddling up and the gentle body swipe she makes when she passes me. The buddy cat lay on the stairs so that he can nail your feet as they come down from upstairs. :) This is especially well done if it is early morning and you aren't expecting it. He is a rascal.
But, she is the love. Videos. :) I made some to send my daughter. She loved it. I do know what you mean. She is such a wonderful part of life. ❤️
I agree that cats read moods and act accordingly for sure. Also, the purring, seems to transfer the emotion better right? It's soothing and comforting.
I'm sure your daughter would love the videos especially if she was very attached to the cat. It's a nice gesture and one that comes with a lot of value.
Oh, the purring makes me melt. I love it. It is exactly that soothing and comforting. Yes. Very much so. My daughter is very attached to the cat. She talks to it on the phone... Okay, never tell her I told you that! :)
Lol, your daughter sounds bonkers like me. I do the same.
Also, I purr. ('nuff said.)
Omg!! She does too!!!