
Cleo is a very timid cat and I'd not want to put her in the position of feeling anxious, it's not good for them. Whilst on my five hour stop at Melbourne airport I watched some blokes loading pets into a hold. It's not something I'd want my pet to go through if it was avoidable. It would be cool to have her though, although I'd probably spend my whole holidays playing with her. 🤪

I went and read your last few posts, realising you'd been to see your nephew and were hardly on a camping trip up the road. No way, cats on planes is a bit cruel. 🐱😭

Yeah, I'm in Cairns, far too great a distance to take Cleo. I didn't like the way those animals were all boxed up and shoved into the cargo hold. I'd not want one of my pets having to go through that.

No way. Unlesss you were permanently moving. Enjoy - sounds like you are loving hanging out with the fam. Is Faith with you?

Indeed...Hopefully a move to Tassie!

Having a great time with all my family, yeah. It's awesome.