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RE: A Warning to New Homesteaders

in #homesteading7 years ago

Interesting and sad essay.

My husband and I have been living in the country for 6 years now, and have had 8 momma cows delivered to our pasture in the spring every year. In October, Fred the farmer that rents out this pasture (and hays another section of the pasture) brings his girls from a town about 25 - 30 minutes away from where we live.

My question is: How far did you move? I have never observed any of our girls have that issue, thank goodness.

I was planning on having a milk cow and goats, so I appreciate your story. I have made goat cheese in the past and am looking forward to making it with my own animal's milk. (I also make yogurt from store bought, non-homogenized whole cow's milk.)

Anyway, I just discovered your page, so I look forward to reading more!!