###### Intro
07 Background Acting
Today, I had a brief flashback to the time where a big movie was shot in our country. It took the cinemas by storm and I had the opportunity to see it all come together from upclose. it is called "Suriname de film"
As a kid I've always been curious. So when my friend asked me to audition I didn't think twice!
I've learned a lot and seen a lot as well. We often take background actors for granted, but me and the team did 12 hours on set everyday just to "set a scene" We were fairly compensated and it was a great experience, but also very exhausting at that.
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/lydiann.reso/): Since it is still the largest platform, it is my main channel where everything comes together.
LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/lydi-ann-resodimedjo-195029198/): More business related content, inspirational quotes and digital art
TikTok (https://www.tiktok.com/@4rtidote?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc): Short videos on projects that I'm currently working on or have done in the past which I have yet to share.