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RE: Amazing reminder of how America should work from the good folks at The Tenth Amendment Center.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Before we add new amendments or try to fix things with the tenth amendment, we need to implement the 13 th amendment which was ratified by Virginia and 13 states, despite what the Feds tell you. Then we restore common law and the courts as they existed prior to the Civil War, end Admiralty law in Federal Courts, send the judges and BAR attorneys back to Britain and their British Acredidation Registry Service, disband their fake Constitution and end martial law and military rule which every year Congress, loyal to Britain and to Israel, renew year by year secretively. Then we end the U.S. Civil War of the Feds against We the People which never ended since there was never a truce. Until these issues are addressed, it is no use to talk about a 10th amendment!

The U.S. National Debt can be paid-off over-night by Trump with the stroke of a pen!! What are you waiting for Trump?

The Act of 1871: The “United States” Is a Corporation – There are Two Constitutions – Federal Jack

Titles of Nobility and the missing 13th amendment >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

(The link with the PDF file tells it all - excellent PDF research proves that Virginia ratified it).

The True Back Story Of The Missing 13th Amendment – The Millennium Report

I have many more resources and links on this also.


I share your beliefs, but I would differ on strategy. We can use nullification as a pry bar to begin to FORCE some of the other changes you suggest. The only other way is violent revolution, which--given our current state of ungodliness as a nation--is doomed to failure.

All we need to do is get Virginia to ratify again the 13th amendment and it will solve all the problems. After we make a national case of it, if they fail to ratify, then we enter with the evidence that actually they already ratified it. It is that simple!

I just updated my response above with some links also. Check them out. See the PDF link at the fourwinds is the best of all...