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RE: It is COOL to change your child's gender!!!

This is really becoming certifiably fucking nuts .. and we must call it out for what it is. In terms of hormone blockers I wrote the following in a post:

A growing trend amongst children with gender dysphoria is the adminstraion of hormone blockers . This is a controversial subect that does not receive enough public scrutiny. The use of these drugs has never been shown to be fully effective or indeed appropriate, there is equally evdence to say they can be harmful to the health of children. One such drug named Lupron has been reported to give users serious long term debilitating health effects. The health effects of childhood hormone blockers include disfiguring acne, weight gain, high blood pressure, liver disease, thrombosis, and cardiovascular disease. As a side note whatever happened to tomboys? I knew several tomboys that grew to be beautiful women. A sobering thought is that 80-95% of children with gender dysphoria eventually come to identify as their biological sex.

Nice one for raising awareness @truthforce


Yes! We must put the truth forward. I have a feeling that not many people know about how high the percentage is for this. I think science will eventually prove that someone who goes through puberty and still thinks they are a different gender than how they are born really just didn't go through puberty correctly, and or there is a deficient gene that deviates from the norm. The norm being end goal of reproduction to further the species, which essentially can't happen if everyone was gay and didn't want kids. It is "naturally biologically" against the species improving to have an all gay population, or a population of people who don't want to have kids for whatever reasons.

Though I admit this all changed over the last 100 years, with science many people can certainly have kids now and still be gay/lesbian or whatever. Interesting times we live in where a "natural evolutionary dead end" CAN still go forward due to science(an example being using a gay sperm donors sperm to inject a lesbian and make her pregnant). Wonder how we will evolve then, it will be interesting to see how that pans out as it doesn't really matter what gender/sex we are any more and men technically aren't even needed any more due to other things like cloning.