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RE: My name is Rooneey...

in #introducemyself7 years ago

perubahan sebuah negara hanya atas jasa jasa seorang guru.. bagaimana negara ini kedepan sangat tergantung bagaimana kualitas pendidik genarasi abngsa itu sendri. terimakasih atas semangat, ilmu, sekaligus motivasi untuk saya..

hanya saran tulisan dalam bahasa inggris bagusnya di miringkan seraya menggunakan >

contoh ;

If somebody asks me "when you will stop teaching?", I will stop teaching when I cannot share anything anymore.Maybe I have been in agony, or die. For me teaching is not a job, this is a hobby and I have to do this to make myself happy and to make people around become better because of me. I am proud to be like who i am now. In my opinion, being as you want to be is a must because you cannot be others. Just be yourself and you can make yourself happy and people around will feel happy because of you. Thank.


lon edit aju...hahahhaha
Thank you

okey sip. photo neu enter sigo teuk nak rapi postingan