thank you, I really appreciate it. Consider the upvote done!
It sounds like a great product. What type of skin problems does it help the most on and who needs it the most? Do you sell it online through your website or on amazon? If you'd like to talk specifics please let me know but in general I would find the group who wants it the most and FB ads target them to buy on amazon or your website.
It's main use would be for emergency situation for victims of poisonous spider bites specially a bite from Brown Recluse Spider. It is only product that will suck out the poison after a bite. Some people die from the bite or lose big chunk off skin due to poison eating the skin. Western doctors have no antidoct for the bite.
Wow, that sounds like an amazing product. The problem is most people don't plan for that kind of emergency. How expensive is it? Since they are only in certain area's have you tried to reach out to organizations that focus on that spider and partner with them? Part of what you might need to do on your website is education based marketing. Inform people about the spider and why they need your product. How much does losing a chunck of skin cost, I bet its a lot more expensive and painful then buying your product.
Retail from me is $30. it also replace other skin care product most people put on the face foe any type of skin problem.
The Brown Recluse angle, while amazing, seems to be a harder sell. This might just be because I don't live in an area where they thrive. Have you tried focusing on another skin problem? Last year I had some strange dry skin rash that lasted for months and was crazy itchy. If your product could have solved that I would have paid $30 immediately to make the itching stop.