Noob Anyone?

I am a NOOB. But thats not going to stop me from following my noob dreams! I am Connor, and I am in love with this platform. Ill be posting dumb videos for you guys. If you like them then thats great, if you don't then thats great too! I don't even know how to add a tag lol. Do I hashtag it or do i just type in the word? Well.... here goes nothing!


@a-40oz-of-pinto haha Ricky bobby...priceless. Definitely enjoyed it, keep them coming.

Hello Welcome to Steemit just Upvoted and Followed you I hope you will follow me back and upvote my recent post in return

@danimat I like your styles.

Thank you

Dumb will get you SMART...what? i dunno
Welcome aboard!

Tickets please!

Welcome to steemit from @lopezdacruz. All the best in your steemit journey.

I upvoted and followed you. Hope you will do the same :)