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RE: Howdy from the Hills! My Steemit Introduction.

This is one amazing post Cody. Can't wait to hear more about your medicinal plant adventures in Eastern Kentucky. We all need to learn and listen to people like you that can "talk" to the plants and herbs we need to survive and drop big pharma to the essentials.

On a personal note my wife and I visited Asheville, NC for the first time this last Fall. Mind blowing beauty, food, people, and music. Discovered my paternal side is from KY. Makes sense. Whenever I hear a fiddle-bluegrass- it feels like home. Rage on mountain man! See you here soon.


What part of Kentucky? we might be cousins.

I'm not that close with my Dad. I think the majority moved from Louisville to South Bend, IN in the 30's. We have distant cousins still living in KY. I need to figure that out. They're Duvall Family.

Most of my family came into Kentucky from North Carolina. Kentucky isn't a very homogeneous state. We're very regional. Louisville and East Kentucky are like two different worlds. I was told a wild tail once that claimed I was related to Duvalls, but It's hard to believe.

Regional. Makes sense. We just visited Asheville, NC last October. Crazy beautiful. Music is of the charts. Now you gotta tell your Duvall tale!

I thinking about making a post about it. There is big story to tell.

Right on brother...Do it!