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RE: Introduction Post! What life is like as an Indigo.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Re: sturggling with depression...

When you’re going through bouts, get yourself some 5-HTP and take twice a day. Should be feeling better within a week. Can pick up at pretty much any health food store or wherever has a reasonable selection of nutritional supplements.

Not a complete end-all-be-all “solution,” but it’ll definitely serve well.



Thank you so much for that and for generously voting on my post :) I will go and see if i can find some 5-HTP tomorrow, going through a rough patch at the moment and i don't want to take anti-depressants. If it helps ill write a blog about it and be sure to mention you for the advice!

5-HTP Is a cool solution but correct me if Im wring, which i am a lot, i think walnuts are high in 5-htp. Do you have filters on your shower? An RO system for your main water supply can be detrimental for your mental health. Fluoride and chlorine and various other heavy metals that often times are synthetic get absorbed directly into the bloodstream and allowing for 10 times toxicity to happen from said toxins in the water then as opposed from drinking it directly. Unfortunately distilled water or RO system is one of the very few ways to remove fluoride or fluorine. Fluoride in the water has been shown to have dramatic results in a population as far as cancer, mental health issues and overall decrease in health not to mention making the person more susceptible to subliminal Imaging such as TV or ads on the internet excetera

I did not know 5-HTP was in wallnuts, but I actually had a negative reaction to it anyway, heart palpitations and feeling like i was in a perpetual state of coming up for hours! Ha. Upon doing some research it seems serotonin is not the culprit, and that reaction happens when your system is flooded with too much. I have more reason to believe that dopamine is at play rather and rok's tip spurred me to look into that anyway so i am working to increase dopamine levels naturally instead.

Luckily where i live the water is not fluoridated. However we do use a water filtering jug to remove other impurities :)

Fluoride in the water is such an immense topic however, and rather alarming :/