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RE: Greetings from between Poland and Russia or the Story of Scanner

Hi! I really like what you said, "You have to choose one hobby, one life, one subject and practice – they say. But how should I, when I will lose other things?"
I feel the same way. Now, I think of it as being a part of the ecosystem of being human. To be involved in many things is how humans evolved, actually. Doing only one thing is not normal.
I've taken this to extreme lengths now as an adult as I write science articles for websites, CEO's and I also write and self-publish my own books. I do the art for my covers, and spend a lot of time learning about topics that interest me. Having freedom to learn and create is one of the best things in life!!
Glad you arrived! Welcome!


Thank you! Surely, it is a freedom, because while you write, publish and create the covers for the books, you have been a writer, publisher and an artist! Isn't it perfect?) It is like travelling through human, as if professions were countries.

Yes! We were taught the wrong lessons in schools! We don't have to be one thing but we all have areas that we like. For me it is science and art. Most great scientists are creative and the world has forgotten this!