A dramatic story of betrayal, infidelity, friendships lost and a guy who swore on his own parents' lives

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I always wanted to share this story, so listen up folks! You're in for a doozy that's fit for a TV drama on Netflix.

Years ago, I had a friend I was once close to. Let's call him Cheater.

Now, Cheater had a girlfriend, this really sweet, innocent girl who was really nice.

And Cheater constantly cheated on her with many, many other girls.

The worst part?

Cheater wasn't remorseful at all. He'd always justify it with made-up bullshit that was a grand reflection of his own insecurities. 

He'd say shit like, "Oh I was drunk. It doesn't count" or "Oh whatever, it's not a big deal. Girls are just for fun." He even tried to direct it to me and make it about me instead, "Alden, why don't you cheat? Sheesh."

This heavily bothered me and another friend. Let's call him NiceDude.

Me and NiceDude would talk about it and say how this was just... wrong, you know? But honestly, we didn't do a thing about it. We felt that it wasn't our affair.

Anyway, one day, a group of friends Cheater had back in college, found out about his philandering ways.

They were really pissed.  They felt that it was totally wrong and something had to be done.

And you know what they did? They grouped up, called Cheater's girlfriend out and form an intervention.

They told her EVERYTHING.

Me and NiceDude knew about this intervention, but we didn't see a need to stop it. I mean, what the fuck for? Cheater had it coming and he ought to be taught a lesson or two in humanity. 

I remember how right after it happened, Cheater's girlfriend texted me, "I know everything. Can we talk?"

I simply replied, "Please settle it with Cheater first. If you still need to talk after that, I am here."

As said, I always felt that it wasn't my affair. That was all I felt I should manage.

At this point, me and NiceDude were like, "Yeah let Cheater deal with it. We'll talk to him after the fallout."

We thought Cheater would come clean.

We thought he would confess and ask for forgiveness.

We thought he would admit his wrongs, like any decent human being would.

But... none of that happened.

Cheater instead denied EVERYTHING!

And he went all out in an attempt to lie his way through.

That was when he told his newly ex-girlfriend, "I swear on my parents' lives that I've never cheated before!"

That was when he told her, "I am a catholic. I will never cheat."

That was when he told her, "She is getting married. Please don't get her involved." "She" was one of the many girls he used back then.

That was when he told her, and everybody else that me and NiceDude were lousy friends as we did not lie for him. He told others that we should have covered up for him.

All of this is true, because me and NiceDude eventually met up with her, and she showed us all the text messages and also MSN (remember that?) messages from him.

We read it with our own eyes.

At this point, me and NiceDude were like, "Well fuck this guy. He's obviously not worthy as a friend."

And that was that.

I've never spoken to Cheater since. Neither do I care to.

That's the story.

Humans can be a funny thing huh?

I get it you know? 

When emotions run high and when you know you're totally fucked, it can be hard to stay sensible and make good decisions.

But... yo... come on... just, come on.

It ultimately doesn't take a genius to be an adult.

Being nice and respectful also isn't rocket science.

Folks, if you want to cheat, then end your relationship first.

There are ALWAYS consequences to such things. You can't escape it. People get hurt. So please, don't be a jerk.

Hope you enjoyed this story!





thank you alden