Thank you very much for the great vid!!!! I agree 100%, knowledge and learning is probably the best investment you can do - and no one ever can take it away from you, no matter what happens in life.
A friend of mine created a whole new approach to learning named after her last name "The Birkenbihl Approach" in the 80s. She was far ahead of her time. Her name was Vera Birkenbihl. She wrote many books. And most of her lectures are on youtube. Unfortunately only in German language ...
She was fighting against the school system in Germany, as she was sure that it holds no motivation at all and that they teach a completely wrong approach to learning.
There is just a very short video on her and her approach in english
All her books were most influential for me and opened new horizons for learning for me.
Maybe you are interested in a deeper research on her writings. I am sure there is english information out there.
That's so true, it's the one possession you have that nobody in the world can ever take away from you. And thank you very much for sharing that video with me, I found it to be extremely valuable and I will look more into her research. I have been working on learning german in my spare time, so I will take the techniques and apply it to my own learning style for sure.
I think the schooling system in almost all countries of the world is outdated and foolish. But I think it also provides a valuable opportunity for regular people to bring a real change in the world already. It's a massive problem that we can help to fix, and that's what I want to do!
Yes, it is a valuable opportunity for a real change in the world. Couldn't agree more!
There are many videos of her lectures online. Some are still very up to date - although they were recorded in the 90s. Should you need any support on your research about her work or on practicing German, just tell me.