i have never seen this much crap compiled in one comment before, you just outshined youtube trolls, they probably need to give you a nobel prize for that.
what scary is how uninformed you are
let me try to correct some of your §#!t
1_"abandoned them? "
-they did not abandon them(frensh/british/italian) they got out when the people started to fight back,
algeria for example had more than a million deaths before it got her independence from france.
2_"How comd they did that after the war when europe was in ruins?"
-becouse they didnt do it after the war (i assume you mean WW1)the colonization of the arab contrys hapend before the war or during that time .
algeria again as an example colonized in 1830/ tunisia in1881 by the french
3_"Makes no sense if colonies were so profitable. In fact is they were not."
-the fact is it was very profitable,taking the resources of a country and using its people to fight your wars is the definition of profit. and the profit continue to this day , i lived in tunisia for some time and ill give you some exampels, the french occupied tunisia in 1881 and ended in1956 thats (75 years of "profit").
and to this day france still taking resources with the same contracts made in 1956 .if you understand inflation then you know this is bad from tunisia's end of the deal.
4_So explain how having colonoies stopped arabs from having prize winners.
- long story short arab countries ruined by Colonialism and the result is there is no good schools/university to produce a nobel prize winners.
5_well its not propaganda nor a conspiracy theory its a well known fact that the us is arming and supporting isis ("moderate rebels") even the us officials are talking about it.
if you want to hate on someone at least hate them for something they did not what you think they did.
peace man
You forget one thing...whites stopped slavery. Whites died to stop slavery in the hundreds of thousands. Where is slavery thriving today? In arab countries. In Africa. Who invented human rights? Who gave children and women rights? Which countries today stone and murder gays? But..I guess that's my fault, right? lol. It's so insane. These people need to stop blaming a past that was horrible for a lot of people regardless of race and color. And they need to start taking some responsibility for their shortcomings.
And you leftist libertards need to stop treating them like low IQ children. You guys are the ones OBSESSED with skin color.
If whites ruined these countries for all eternity how come for example Japan thrieved after being nuked to nothing? You just view everything from the perspective that whites = evil, and dark skinned people = virtous. It is so insane.
White europeans were the victims of mass slavery from arabs. Possible even more whites were victim of slavery than blacks. Blacks sold their friends and family to slave traders. Slavery is still huge in arab countries this day.
You need to open your eyes and stop with the white hate.
im gonna say this as a friend i wish you well and i truly mean it.
but dude you talk like 12 years old nazi.well maybe you are who knows.
you have zilch grasp of reality.
first of all i don't hate whites or brown or purple all races are equal to me and i don't consider myself as a leftist or a rightests.
youre the only one here OBSESSED with skin color and race .
in my previous comment i mentioned countries not race or a skin color.
and again im going to correct you
1.who stopped slavery
-(islam),the prophet muhammad said:(There’s no difference between arabs and non arabs or whites and blacks except in piety)
2.Who invented human rights?
_not sure who invented it but i know islam was the first to implement it
3.Which countries today stone and murder gays?
_i dont know, canad!!!? you tell me and use the name of the contry, dont use colors
You are insane