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RE: The Importance of Being Ideologically Free

in #life8 years ago

I sense a very angry man in your writing; unfortunately our comment tree on my post expired, so I have posted a fresh comment just for you at the top, so you can get the attention you so badly crave.

If you are going to troll me, at least try and do it with some class, a simple Google search shows how wide of the mark you are with your ridiculous statement about Amazon and Google.

I'd like this to end here and now, I'm not here to defend myself to mindless attacks on my writing. If you don't like what I write, don't read it; it's what I'm going to do with you.




You sense wrong. Assumption my friend is the mother of all fuck-ups. I don't need attention more than you do. You seem a bit angry. All this just because I said your book was not good at predictions?

Google and Amazon pay a lot of taxes. You cannot deny nor change this

You could have made this comment as new reply to your own profile. I think you like to shift your sourness towards here. I will read and comment on anything I like. rephrain from telling me what to do.

Chillax and remember. When you identify others as being angry (especially online) you are the one being angry.