Hello Blockchain my old Friend.. I’ve come to talk to you again.
I feeling a bit groggy after eating a bit too much at the Chinese buffet for lunch, we had our first meal in the day kind of on the late side, and now we’re at a cafe who’s wifi is failing us at the moment.
My back is hurting me again, what else is new. I’ve been getting pretty discouraged about that, but I have a plan to focus my yoga practices on core strength and stability in order to alleviate this recurring strain. Its frustrating remember how great I was feeling around November/December time, and only a few weeks later I feel like I have a completely different body.
Spotted in one of the shops in town... "Jersey!!? Is that you!!?"
... False alarm, just tee shirts and coats.
Time to start tightening up on the food, trying turmeric for inflammation, take time to heal and start rebuilding again. There’s nothing more frustrating to me than chronic pain. It’s holding me back physically and mentally and effecting my daily quality of life. Not ok.
Aside from that, I had a mega sprint day yesterday and managed to get a TON done. So much so that I’m rolling into today with a bit of a blank feeling in terms of what to work on. There are a lot of little things I need to start, and/or check up on, but none of it is really pressing and nothing to sink my teeth into, sounds like this weekend will just be little chipping away at things bit by bit, while we lay low and wait for the crypto markets to recover.
"Two coffees please!"
So looking forward to the upswing because we’re finally in a good place to move on the purchase of some lav mics and a box so we can start live streaming and podcasting together. The other exciting bit to report is that @teamhumble went IN on the set up of a new tee shop set up to accept crypto, we still may need another supplemental site (I’m thinking I might try a squarespace build) but it’s awesome to see those pieces all coming together little by little.
I think I’m going to try to take it easy when we get back, meditate, write out that post, long hot shower and get into bed and pop a film on or have some playstation time with the hot water bottle. Hot hot shower for SURE.
That’s it for this morning/afternoon, hopefully I’ll have transcend mystically into a better headstate a bit later in the day, right now my brain just feels a bit cloudy with a chance of distraction…
Just as a side note I was stunned to see how many of you guys resteemed yesterday’s post highlighting 10 awesome lady-badasses for International Women’s day. If you shared that post, or stopped by to have a read and check out those gals THANK YOU! I made that post so drive some recognition to ladies doing awesome work, and I’m glad they got some new eyeballs, they SO deserve it <3!
I know how demoralizing pain it. My pinched nerve in my neck is acting up and it always affects my whole being. Sending love, when do you have to come back to the states? I have read it is coming up in a few of your posts.
This is my last full month here- trying to accept it and take it day by day. Not easy for me but I know it's all part of the process. <3
Ugh neck pain is a rough one too, make sure to be mindful at what that posture is doing while logging those long hours on the computer- these devices can be rough on our bodies.
Wish I wasn't reading about all this pain you're in, I'm sorry to hear about that! :( I don't mean to insult you with ideas on how to alleviate it, because I'm sure a smart gal like yourself has tried everything under the sun, but just in case...
......essential oils?
..........epsom salt bath with essential oils?
And I know you're one of my biggest cheerleaders and journey-followers, so you've read about my testing and everything. But have you ever been tested for heavy metal poisoning? I'm astonished at how much of my chronic fatigue and physical pain were caused by mercury toxicity. It continues to get better each day as I detox.
In any case, hang in there girl! You've got an amazing attitude and that's half the battle. :) <3
That's totally crazy, is it dificult to get tested? like is it something a Dr has to do? I do have an underactive thyroid, and that makes it SO SO hard for me to lose weight, it also contributes to the fatigue, but I wont rule anything out, I especially believe folks are brought into our life to guide us toward truth so it's certainly something I'll look into...
Also, teamhumble will tell you, ive got every oil "lotion and potion" LOL I'm an essential oil freak, and although we don't have access to a bath, a hot shower always helps <3
Long term I know I need consistent yoga and to lose some weight putting strain on my back, but its even more dificult to do when you're feeling tired and injured all the time :/
It was pretty easy from my experience. My doctor took hair samples and sent them to the lab. You can also get tested via urine or blood, but that's what he recommended. According to my doc, many of the common ailments people have can be traced back to heavy metal toxicity just because they're so prevalent our environment. Heck, even some of my long-time food allergies are disappearing as mercury gets detoxed. Your thyroid issues could possibly be caused by some type of metal invader, too.
Same here! As cliche as it is, I believe everything happens for a reason, we just have to be open to it and aware.
Omg that's amazing! Essential oils are so underrated. I have way more bottles than anyone probably needs and they're taking up half my carry-on size suitcase right now, but so worth it!
You're always so quick to comment and follow along with my adventures, how could I not return the favor! We're all in this together. :)
Damn, I wish there was like a test I could buy on Amazon because I hate going to the doctor, like a lot.... but I guess that's just the way things are eh- not everything can be DIY haha
I'll certainly do more research, I will say that eating a plant based diet is certainly what makes me feel the best, meats really zap my energy and I think are hard for me to break down. I did about 9 months of strict vegan last year and never felt better...
Another thing I found was helpful was eating for my bloodtype which is A- there's a lot about your personality and even the best types of exercise that I believe are determined by your blood type as well - have you ever looked into blood type diets?
I'm pretty sure there are by-mail tests you can purchase as well if you'd really like to stay out of a doctor's office. To be honest, it's not a heavily studied thing, so you'd probably be hard-pressed to find a doctor who knew much about heavy metals or what to do about them. Your best bet would probably be a naturopath or holistic practitioner.
Yassss, I'm all about the plant-based life! The more vegetables you can get, the better. Totally agree on feeling more energetic and "cleaner" when eating fewer carbs, animal products, sugar, etc.
As for the blood type diet, I've read a lot of conflicting opinions on that. Ultimately, the reading and research I've done show that the concept of eating a certain way depending on your blood isn't founded on studies/facts. But listen to your body... if you found a certain diet that works for you, that's all that matters. :)
Very true, the first step is self awareness, I was pretty much on free-play for most of my life unfortunately- I had no awareness of the link between how i felt and what I was eating, just too busy and frantic to notice ! I honestly wasn't even sure how i was SUPPOSED to feel until I started feeling better!
Funny what we'll accept when we don't know any difference!
I used to buy mineralized water purification drops, that made heavy metals and toxins in our water inert- they would actually reverse the dissolving process and in the morning you could actually SEE whats in your water- it was a trip- let me tell you! -
I'm also a huge fan of fasting once a year it realy feels like a whole system reboot
As I think most people are until some wake-up call comes along and shows you just how "blah" you've been feeling for so long! It happens so gradually, too, so it's impossible to notice.
That's wild! I've never heard of anything like that. What did it look like?
Never done a fast myself, might have to try one on for size here in Mexico since there's so much fresh-squeezed juice for cheap. :)
Also I SO appreciate you friend. Thank you for taking the time to share knowledge and for being invested in my journey as well! Thankful to have met you and found you on the blockchain<3
Yes! I was amazed at the thought of heavy metal toxicity coming from, not just whatever may be in our drinking water, but also just from old school fillings! I know people who have had theirs replaced, even! I was one of those lucky ducks with a fairly progressive dentist at the time my teeth were being filled and fixed.
good luck ..you are strong.
What a blessing that you had that dentist! I'm sure he was being laughed at at the time, but you and his other patients are enjoying better health now. Always makes me wonder what practices are "safe" right now but will come out as dangerous/unhealthy in a few years.
It's so true! Even food rules have changed and you really have to be smart and proactive and do your research! It's exhausting!! haha
get out of my mind you brain energy thief. KISSES.
I knew you were going to say that... OR DID I!!!?! 🙀
Iknow how you feel. Been walking around in a fog most of today. Yesterday's trip to Managua did me in. I should really stop going there. It messes me up...
Oh boy, that's never good. Geolocational distress is a real thing. I hope you can move past whatever caused it for you, and hopefully one day get to a place where it doesn't effect you at all <3