in #life7 years ago

This is a new video I made yesterday talking about many things that society and the school system in general does not want you to know. We are all taught that the ONLY way to succeed in life is go to a school, graduate, go to college, graduate and then get a job of that field. The reality is that most people does not work in a job they studied for and end up in multiple thousands of dollars in debt. Watch this video and find out more:

School focuses a lot more on taking exams to memorize many things you will not use in real life situation and has a lack of giving you enough hands on experience to be prepared to work. And schools does not teach you to manage your money... but to get you in college debt and then work many decades for them just to pay them off... almost no hope for retirement... to be a wage slave...

Always good to think about what you truly want in life and you do not need to be in college and working a 9-5 to be successful in life. Upvote this if you find this information valuable and comment below your thoughts on this. Would like to hear from you! :)

Until next blog post, take care, God Bless and stay cool! Bai bai! :)


Great video, You shared some real truth in it. The best thing I took from your video is when you say that school doesn't teach us how to work with money. So true. We can have tons of money in the bank account but if we don't know how to save or invest, more than likely we'll spend all of it. I was never able to save up, no matter how much money I made. Then I read the book from Tony Robbins Money Master the Game which taught me how to not only make money but also keep money or make money works for me. Thanks for sharing this powerful message.

I appreciate your support, Silvia :) So true! Its not how much money you make cause someone could be making 100K a year and me 30K. But the one with 100K has a lot of debt to pay, morgage, bills, taxes, etc and saves no money and spends a lot on liabilities instead of assets. And me with 30K and knows how to save money and invest on assets like cryptocurrency with value to solve real world problems for example ;)