On the advice of a friend, I transferred my ether tokens from the exchange to Сoinomi's purse. Now I decided to return one of the tokens to the stock exchange ... and found that it was impossible! For transactions, you only need to pay for the air, and there's no one in my wallet!
That is, now I can not return my tokens to the exchange, until I buy the etherium and send it to the wallet (and there are big interest for the transfer)!
Heh, 85 words is close enough. :)
I think you can send fewer tokens back though, using the rest as the "gas"? I have some ETH and realized that when I transferred X to the wallet, and then tried to transfer Y out, that I also needed to spend Z (a tiny fraction of Y) in order to "fuel" the transaction. So each time I send ETH, I have a little bit less total.
Bitcoin works similarly, but it seems to me that ETH has more of an expense. Haven't looked into it in great detail, though.