What a coincidence, my wife is also pregnant with a daughter! Coming in March 2018. And we also have a 2.5 year old son (who was also about 11 days late). She's in third trimester now and ready to be done. Me, personally, I am anxious and nervous about how much busier it's going to be. We don't have much help from family (my parents are too old and her parents live far away) so we're mostly on our own.
For now, we are making the most of our time one-on-one with our son. He's such a awesome little dude.
Thanks for your great post.
That is a coincidence! Your kids will be almost the exact same age difference as mine! :)
I understand being done in the third trimester, but I tried to savor it this time, especially since it is possible is was my last pregnancy. I also understand being anxious about the business! It was a little hectic at first, but now, two months later, we've fallen into a pretty good pattern. Little dude was pretty sick this week, so tending to him with a newborn was kind of a challenge, but we made it through! I am learning that about parenting; just keep going and you make it through! :)
I hope for you guys that you're not overwhelmed not having help. I have to admit that I had a ton of help this time. My parents, my siblings, my grandma, my aunt, etc. It has been a blessing for us and I'm sorry you don't have that! I would love to hear how you guys weather it! :)
Yes, yes! Take the time with your son before he's a big brother. He will do so much better with the adjustment for it! Also, because I regret not doing it, take a pic of big brother kissing mama's big belly! :)
Blessings to you and your family!
Thank you so much for the reminder to take that picture. We've done maternity photos with another professional photographer, but because our son wasn't cooperating, we weren't able to get that shot. We're going to try again ourselves!
The saying "it takes a village" is so true... we're hoping that a neighbor or two can lend a hand to us. Any bit of a break is sooooo valuable! Our date nights with just the two of us are few and far between, but when we get them, it's golden.
Haha, I totally get the date night thing! We
haven't had one yet with baby girl here, but I'm sure it will be great when we do. 😂