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RE: How Effective is Our Prison System?

in #life8 years ago

I'll consider it.
the first year I was a BB Stacker in Thailand. I drove a bombtruck . I kept the big fat fellows fed (B52's)
for the next nine years I worked indoors (part of my evil master plan)...much of the time sitting in a chair....)

You're right about angry they didn't join the Marines ..but I was married and had an infant son. So that plan was out..but Chair Force basic training was SO easy that it was embarrassing.

The boat you are thinking of is a SWIFT boat...I had a friend who was on them.


Yeah I watched a movie about the boats made with fiberglass for the delta and jnew there were teo types a smaller one that could turn on a dime and a larger one but didn't remember f that was the SWIFT or not. I should have just called up John Kerry and asked him hehe. Steamin Demon? And I was/am a Marine but I was in the Airwing. CH53E "Super Stallion" Crew Chief/Door Gunner. Gotta love the big guns 💪

like I first AFSC was munitions..

Raining hellfire