First up:
Economist Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, returns with positive insights on the PMs sector noting that investors should consider increasing their PMs stockpile given the overvalued stock market, "... gold may be a gold investment ... good to have in your portfolio... I have gold bars."
For ardent stock aficionados, Professor Kotlikoff suggests rolling into higher dividend alternatives to lower volatility risks. Our guest says death isn't our biggest problem, it's long life! People are living decades longer than expected, requiring considerable financial planning.
Case in point, by merely waiting a few extra years to retire, social security payouts can increase more than 70%.
According to a recent UN report, the discrepancy between the haves and the have-nots in the world's most "affluent" nation, is approaching Kafkaesque levels, similar to his classic novella, In The Penal Colony, where the outside observer is stunned by the nature of the gap between those in power and the everyday citizen.
Listeners are encouraged to download his free book: You're Hired!
CEO Thomas Coughlin, Andrew Maguire, join the show in an epic-exclusive Radio conference call that takes place simultaneously on three continents, to discuss their paradigm-shifting, gold backed digital-currency with strong interest from deep pocket investors.
Funds in Sharia-compliant communities / nations, where usury is a major issue / hurdle to financing and investing have already expressed strong interest, with one potential investor offering to purchase the entire offering, purportedly.
Allocated Bullion Exchange (ABX) is gold / silver bullion exchange poised to disrupt the entire gold suppression scheme, exposing the opaque, paper money, naked-shorting system through a unique gold-backed cryptocurrency arrangement, that promises to usher in an entirely new monetary system.
The Kinesis offering seeks to unite the best aspects of the monetary world into one easy to adopt currency, including gold safety, blockchain transparency / decentralization, crypto anonymity, incentivized transactions, as well as interest yield:
Kinesis is a game changer, the like of which has never been contemplated before.
It is an entire gold/silver backed currency ecosystem.
With proof of adoption by a CB and adoption by the largest independent Islamic organization in the world, the all-important velocity of this currency will be so large and so cash liquid, it will suck other cryptos looking for liquidity into it.
As promised last week, ALL members will have the opportunity to access to the PRE ICO tokens at a 25% discount, ahead of the public sale on March 1st 2018.
The window to participate will be announced early next week, along with the finalized white paper.
“In the same way our sun unconditionally delivers an indiscriminate share of energy to planet Earth that stimulates life, we present a comparative energy system to stimulate the movement of money, assets and hence overall commerce and economic activity in a fair, honest and rewarding process. It is an entirely new monetary system, which is based on movement, kinetics and velocity.
We name our system Kinesis.
Kinesis is “Kinetically Charged Asset Backed Yield Bearing Monetary System of Shared Economic Wealth for the People of the Digital Age”.
• The Kinesis system is an evolutionary step beyond any monetary and banking system available in the world today.
• It enhances money as both a store of value and a medium of exchange, and has been developed for the benefit of all.
• Core to the mechanics of our system is the perpetual incentive and thus stimulus for money velocity.
• Outside capital is attracted into Kinesis via a highly attractive risk/return ratio and then put into highly stimulated movement, promoting commerce and economic activity.
• This is achieved through giving money 1:1 (100%) direct allocated asset backing and then attaching a unique multifaceted yield system that fairly shares the wealth generated by the system according to participation and money velocity.
• Kinesis is a monetary and banking system focused on: minimizing risk; maximizing return; stimulating velocity and maximizing the rate of adoption.
** Note. Disclosure - is still in the due diligence phase regarding Kinesis.
Employees were not compensated in any capacity.
This interview is presented as informational / educational content and must not be construed as investment advice or as an endorsement of the tokens. LLC and the host are not registered financial advisors and cannot accept liability for the outcome of any investment decision.
Crowdsales involve extreme volatility and higher than typical risks. In accordance with new SEC regulations, only qualified investors can legally participate in the USA, with token purchases over $2,000. employees reserve the right to purchase tokens at their discretion.
The show wraps up with a report from Robert Ian of
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very cool!