Obviously there's not enough shit in the world. Or some parts of it. Because without shit things wont grow. And there are places where nothing grows. Fertilizers people call it. But it's basically shit. I think we don't have too much shit here. So there's always room for more. And with shit come the shit bugs.
Proof? You want proof? You can't handle the proof! Oh, you can? Okay, I'm here. I'm here because of the shit. And as we know from the mouth of some great poet of our time, people equals shit. So now that I'm here, you have lots and lots of potential to grow this shit to the moon.
I think this shit really is #newsteem thinking.
Dog shit bugs me too. But as you said, people should prove that it's not their shit. Although it is, as it's their dog's shit, then it's their shit and they should handle it. It's not like we're in the wilderness. Or even in some forest where shit bugs come and deal with all the shit. It's in the city streets where bugs are sparse and if people won't deal with their shit, or other people who are hired to clean the city streets, are too busy dealing with aaaaaall the shit, the shit will just be there, making our streets really shitty.
Some shit you got here. I love your shit!
I'm not a #seriouscontentproducer. I produce a lot of shit.
That shit gets on the shoes and then you slip and fall down into more shit. Try ordering a coffee while covered in shit!
I'm glad you like this shit though. That shit's pretty cool of you. Probably one of the shittiest comments ever and that's a compliment!
I'm cool like that.
OH OKAY, OKAY! I confess! You don't have to squeeze me and torture me anymore! I'm just here for the shitcointokenwhatishit.