To put it into different words, "do unto others as you would have done unto you," means that one should treat others as one wants to be treated. Obviously, we all want to be treated well, right? If one does not want to be picked on or bullied, alienated, or ostracized, one should not pick on, bully, alienate, or ostracize anyone else. Theoretically, this would work to create a pattern of good will: if I treat you well because that is how I want to be treated, then that will put you in a good mood, so you are more likely to treat your friend well, and that will put him in a good mood, and he will treat his sister well, and so on and so forth. Even if it does not work out this way, then I have still behaved in a good and moral way, and I can feel good about that. It is almost like saying: no matter how anyone else treats you, you can still do right and treat them well.