mah nigga!!!!
ok mang. lets do this.
i personally can only say so much content for so long before i get sidetracked by some other topic.
let us not see this as a detriment, but as a benefit to the discussion. As we only have a so much time here so we must throw as much shit at each other as we can for the others to spectate at. you do not know who might read this five years from now.
any who.
your mind is of a sort that does not allow, it does not allow for conflicting ideas to encroach onto their glorious mind palace. it is this bias that we must fight. it is something that we must unite against in order to allow for the continuation of our species.
i fear you are holding us back with these sort of sayings.
although you would do well in a one world system of operation, i think that those that would allow for the continuation of the people of terra to be the ones that would be able to accept the idea of a universal system.
this goes beyond your problems.
im sorry.
that does not mean you can not learn.
you too can learn to support the continuation of human kind.
if not , you are simply employing tactics that allow for our destruction.
as i do in my daily life.
it is a hard and difficult battle. one that we cannot be divided on. this being because the very division that allows for our demise!
any who, i think it is time for you to see what you can think what you can about what it is that i have said.
i thank you for your time, and i hope that you have a good one.
also you got a follower in me.
[notice how i did not answer a single question of yours ^_^]
Not sure what you are talking about. I would like some things explained to me. If they are explainable
I don't know man, I was being a bit dramatic, and I was a bit drunk.
but essentially, if you are like really serious about this, that you really do believe that the earth is flat, how do you explain mountains? something can only be flat if it is in a 2-dimensional plane.
reminds me of this book called flatland. it's about a square who meets a sphere and is shown the 3-dimensional world,
what I am getting at is that, either:
in which case stop being so damn edgy. the kids will believe most things.
in history, people did A BUNCH OF SHIT (science math and what not) and they did not have much else to do but that kind of stuff. and they were dead set on that their evidence based on their methods of inquiry known today as the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. which to paraphrase the shit out of it into something I hope to you understand is that.
you do shit to disprove anything that is held to be in question.
so a conversation might go as follows in a scientist's mind:
"hmm Jeffery said that the weight of my football would cause it to sink if I were to put it into water, this being because he says that the football is heavier than water and so would sink. I think that it would float though." he sits there and tries to DISPROVE that his theory, that the ball would float, is wrong. so as to either confirm or deny the value of his friend's theory.
it essentially boils down to that. basic science.
and a good scientest tests their theories multiple times, and then they tell others and then they test it and see if they get the same results.
and there a shitton of people that undeniable proof that the world is indeed, a three-dimensional object known as a globe, (spheres like circles are perfectly round so that is why a globe is like a sphere but is not one, has to do with pi.)
i hope i did not give information overload, but please lets discuss this. i enjoy such things as this. makes me feel all smarticles.
Anyways the math doesn't add up to perception. I want to know why. Research for yourself. 8 inches squared per mile drop. which is a 5 ft drop every mile. Technically a boat should disappear after like 3 miles according to the math. Research the curvature of the Earth formula.
yeah but on a globe, a straight line is a longer distance, it is curved. it might be an order of magnitude problem.
because if you let a balloon go into the air and if it is filled with helium then sooner or later you won't be able to see it. so that it is beyond the horizon. the same thing for lateral distances in the earth. you got to get like REALLY FRIKN high up in the sky to see the curve.
and what about Magellan he circumnavigated the world. he proved that it was not flat. Columbus? he "found" America by going the other way to try to get india.
i think the problem is that you think the model for what it really is, although it is just the "shadow" of the real thing. a representational simulation in order for the passing on and processing of information in a easy to share manner.
one example of this is a picture, lets say a picture of a box. to keep things simple.
you take a picture of the front side of the box.
ok ok. do you have discord? i think a real time chat thing would be better to explain this as this is getting tiresome, also i want to try out the voice feature of discord. if you do not then that is ok.
because what amazes me is that there is just as much if not more evidence that the world is round than it is flat.
you could see it as a conceptual sort of enigma that with the advent of technology it is as it could seem to be "flat".
but why is it that you seem to really think the earth is flat?