This obviously represents two sides of a coin. None of each outweighs the other- the pro-life and the pro- choice. As with all ethical discourse, it boils down to what's morally wrong or right. The decision of which is considering the means as a justification for the end or the end justifying the means .
As a man on the fence, sides will not be taken. There are countless instances that justifies both actions. And my opinion will be based on insights into the third school of thought(if there's any of such)
What is the main purpose of sex? Is it for procreation or enjoyment? If former, abortion is morally wrong and if latter, why engage in careless and mindless act of giving life to your actions with the arrays of contraceptives in town.
Religion and ethics do not blend. All religions have different tenets of beliefs. Christianity as a way of life frowns on killing but how do you explain the ordeal of a couple who upon anatomic scan discovered that their foetus has no functioning brain and heart. Believe in miracle? Or take chances on a positive outcome?
You see, most arguments on abortion are only seen from the emotional lens of that teenage girl that was impregnated through rape or consensual agreement. Less emotions gives better justification for the end.
Why do single Christian( christianity as a case point here) brothers look upon single mothers that decided to live the pregnancy with disdain and marry that beautiful chorister?. Talk about hypocrisy. For I know, if the single mum had aborted, she might be worthy of marriage.
Then again, what would have been the fate of Valerie Gatto whose mother was raped at knife point and eventually conceived to becoming Miss America in 2014 or the case of famous Rebecca Keissling ( a conceived- by rape too) who now lives to tell her story to millions of Americans that rape is not only a justification for abortion. These two could have been aborted anyway.
Both schools are right with their opinions. Neither of them( pro life and pro choice) can be tagged as inhumane or evil. After all, the person who supports life as a pro-life also gave his signature to death penalty of hardened criminals. And the pro- choice looked on, thinking only if the criminal could be given a second chance.
We live in a life intertwined with mysteries that blurs our definite stance on a course of action. Then again, what do I know, I'm just a man sitting on the fence with his "trinoculars" observing mankind
My goodness this is a post on it own bro. U really gwud.
honestly i think my perspective is better revealed in the next post.. its the reason i did not address the issue from a religious or sentimental perspective when i gave my opinion