Thank you for this story! We are going to get chickens next year, and will have to deal with similar issues. I'm sure we'll be asking more questions of you and others who have the experience! :)
A year ago, I didn't even know there were different types of chickens. Well, I knew there were roosters... :)
Hahah you will love having them!! Please feel free to ask me ANYTHING! :)
I will probably add this story to my newest post when I make it today because I had some of the eggs hatch!! :) Stay tuuuuuuned!
Thanks, I know I will need advice so appreciate it!
First question: what breeds should we consider? Probably want 6 to 12 chickens. The hen house and hen pen are already built, I don't have dimensions but the house is probably 6' x 6' and 7 or 8' tall. The pen is probably 10' x 20' -- is there a maximum chickens per square footage calculation or something? We're near Boston, MA, in terms of weather.
This is a great question to ask! I’ll have to get a minute to jump on the computer for more detailed info, but some resources to look into about hardy breeds is The Livestock Conservancy, if you’re interested in heritage breeds (check out my Homestead Bucket List post for a blurb about heritage breeds), and even looking at My Pet Chicken website for good details on breeds.
When I get a minute to go to the computer I’ll reply some more! :)
So, there are lots of things out there that state what the "appropriate sized" coop is for however many birds. They typically will say 4 square feet per bird in the coop. And 10 square feet per bird in the run. Mine free range so I don't pay attention to the space suggestions because they only sleep in the coop and cuddle close on the roosts. So make sure the roosts have enough room, at least 8-12" per bird.
How cold does it get there? I would just make sure to get cold hardy breeds. Not hard to find, chickens are fairly cold hardy as it is. I would just steer clear of bantams (mini-sized chickens). Try to get ones with smaller combs, larger combs are more susceptible to frost bite, though, there are ways to mitigate and help prevent that.
Are you at all picky about egg color? I picked my chickens based on the color of the eggs they should lay, that was important to me (silly, I know, but it makes me happy!).
My personal favorites are Blue Langshans and Salmon Faverolles. They both dual purpose (meat and egg) and heritage birds. I like Easter Eggers cause they're hardy mixed birds who lay colored eggs. :D I have 7 different breeds.