" Go out and have fun" said Z while closing the conversation.
So, I wandered through my other messaging app and find a friend to talk about being a vegetarian. I will not consider myself a vegetarian but I have drastically cutting back my meat consumption from my diet. I even wrote previously on vegetarianism. TLDR;
I barely liked anything green and I thought particular vegetables were disgusting.
so you see! even I disliked particular vegetables and that because I always had the same recipe without any variations. Today, with the network being incredibly annoying and unfriendly to minnow like me, I decided to push myself to go out and did groceries like an adult.
For the first time in my life, I tried cooking the broccoli rice. At first I thought it was an insane idea cause hey, nothing can replace rice! Growing up in an Asian household, it almost like rice is infinite resource. But now due me trying to cut back on carb consumption, I thought it was worth a shot.
Also FYI, I am student. So if you're dead ass broke like me, this can be your staple!
- Broccoli
- Butter
- Half a glass of water
- Sweet corn - optional for fancy shit
- Egg - optional for fancy shit
- Spices - optional but I was using oregano.
- Grater- I don't have a food processor
- Cooker - You can actually do it on the pan but cooker will do!
How to
- Grate your broccoli like there's no tomorrow. But don't use cheese grater, It was a horrible idea for me. Make sure it's not too soft but not too hard.
- Then spread the butter on your cooker make sure it's not too greasy
- Add sweet corn/corn
- Next pour a decent amount of water. Make sure it's not soaking your broccoli and corn. Otherwise your rice will be mushy.
- Turn on your cooker then just wait until it cooks. Mind you don't let it burn. So keep checking on them.
- If you think it's ready, trust your gut. Put seasoning on it and mix it well.
Fast forward...... after all the boring stuff, here's how it looks! Sorry for my amateur food photography. I am just trying to not fulfill the stereotype but I DID anyway.
I added too much sweet corn to it. Also, that's a fried yolk and cherry tomato. I love them. But you can add anything you want!
You know, I am an amateur and not a chef so bear with the presentation. I'll do better and willing to receive feedbacks!
If you can't do that here cause the new system is not minnow friendly, well just summon me with " coffee", I'll be there.
I love to eat. Bad at cooking ... ha ha ha
hahaha iya saya hobi makan, makanya harus bisa cooking.
LoL you are so funny. This is how my cooking goes.
just make sure we won't burn the house down hahaha
Ha! Just the other day l was explaining to @mitchmiester that I need for him to install a tether on the stove so I can cook safely! He actually started listing options! I told him to just do us both a favor and keep cooking.
All the same. I'm still considering that tether. My invisible tether called "remember you're cooking" breaks all the time!
Vege-friendly... I would have no idea how to survive without all the batatas right now...
hahahaha You can try ;-D I'll be releasing the other rice substitutes recipe sooon!
Rice was never my favorite, my old folks never knew how to do it right. Some recipes are ok.
Hahah..Initial pic saying "this might be cheap AF" got me totally laughing :D And then I continued laughing thru the whole post :DD Haha and regarding the final product...well :D I guess u r the chef as much as I am hahah :D
Btw I just nominated u in one challenge, check my last post :)
I did it already :D and I wonder if we can do your challenge on weekly groceries. Cause it might be interesting to see what can 10$/ week do in your country and mine!
Hahaha well that's kinda cool idea! I'm down, it's on! When? Are you on discord? Btw decided to resteem this as it made me laugh again :D Altho I have like 10 people who follow me and read my english posts sooo no big deal haha :D
hahaha thank you so much! I did try another one with cauliflower which isn't a failure. So, coming up soon as I get a little spare time to compile the story and recipe. I would be down with the 10$ challenge a week, easy on me since I am interchangeably vegan-vegetarian diet :-D let's discuss details!
Shit, my resteem didn't help a single bit haha :D
Wooow so maybe my resteem did in the end? hahah :D Dunno, prbably not but I'd love to think so :D