
I was a bit nervous making that comment--I didn't want you to send me the "good post" animation. Then I figured if I got it, I would also get a second good laugh so it would all work out in the end..

Hehe, oh no. I would never send you that! That is reserved for the people who only say the two words!!!

Besides, this isn't a good post, it's a very good post! I see you've been on your Android app again @meesterboom. They're so amusing to see. How long does it take to create an animation such as this? You've mentioned before that it's quite an undertaking.

I started this one on Monday. And did about an hour then an hour odd last night and an hour odd tonight, so almost four hours I would say. This one took a bit longer because of the lights :O)

And thank you!

It's so detailed my slow internet is having trouble loading it right now! Amazing work!

Oops! That's the problem with the GIFs, they are a bit intensive picture wise!