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RE: Join the Movement, Boycott "Black Friday" 2017

in #life8 years ago

You say something like, "Shouldn't the starting point within this country be one of self-reliance?" Yet you advocate policy that would be anything but self reliance. The idea of universal basic basic income is reliant upon violence perpetrated by the same people who brought you this corrupt and faulty system in the first place. Now ask yourself this: once you are reliant on them, what will stop them from abusing their position?

You mentioned that employers are reliant on tax dollars to supplement the income of their workers. While that is a problem, the bigger issue is when employers are directly reliant on tax dollars to supplement their own income. Fortunately, the answer to both of those problems is simple; end it. End the corporate welfare. End the personal welfare. Look for opportunities to deregulate. Eliminate barriers to entry. Teach our children true self reliance and Let the market take it's natural course.


So, you are an advocate for your kids living with you until they are 35? That is the reality this day and age, and I am not going to link the studies, just look for yourself. The starting point should be one of a livable wage, and that cost should not be forced back down to the rest of us through higher prices paid, but less compensation for those who run the companies. I am not advocating taking all their wealth, just a portion... the rightful portion that has been taken from the working class in this country.

I want the companies and businesses to do this willingly. Without the need for government regulation. That is the purpose of this movement. Accountability where accountability is due...

My understanding is that the goal of this movement is to establish a universal basic income. How do you plan to accomplish that?

I doubt my children will live with me much past 20, but if it happens, so be it. I have taught them to expect handouts from nobody, including myself. They are empowered to control their own happiness. They don't need my help nor the government's for that.

We stage walkouts until they conform to our demands, not the other way around...

What will make it universal?

We collectively and publicly point out and boycott businesses unwilling to compromise and adjust in a timely manner...

Additionally, it will become universal in that wherever you go within the country, the entry level wage will accommodate the cost of living for a person in the general area of the business.

There needs to be a dialogue between employer/employee. Something that was lost along the way. People go into jobs not truly knowing what the wage is, only to find out when they are desperate, and after 2-3 interviews along the chain. They take less than is needed to survive, and then struggle to survive.

I don't understand your resistance to a movement that would ensure that we don't have any people being forced to slave in order to survive. These businesses make their wealth off the blood, sweat, and tears of their workers. Isn't it about time that they repaid what they have tricked us into taking from the collective pie and work to ensure that each of their workers are able to survive to make it to work the next day?

Think of all the tax dollars we would save. All the people being taken off of welfare programs when employers and businesses come up with the difference between the wages and the cost of living.

Sorry, forgot all about this post. I don't think I have any aversion to this course of action. I am against a universal basic income, but that is not what you are describing. As long as you don't call on the state to force them to keep your job. I think people need to be off a mindset for negotiation and I think this goes a long way towards that.