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I've got my heart set on Montana one of these winters. For a week maybe. I don't think my body would tolerate anymore. Anything after that the locals would just have to throw me into the pile of Floridan tourists turned icicles and shake their heads. Another one - stayed a little too long.

In winter us cold weather people can tell who the warm weather people are just by looking at their clothes and the way they walk. And for some strange reason they think slightly hunching, pushing their shoulders up, and opening their mouths, will somehow make things feel warmer.

Ha, I can see it - I'm going to be very self-conscious the next time I'm in the cold. Maybe they feel like their breath is going to somehow create a warming aura around them. It is the same here but the opposite. You can tell northerners, if not by the accent, by the way they always have sweaters and closed-toed shoes even in the middle of summer. Natives have toes showing 11 months out of the year here :)

You forgot to mention the excessive sweating, farmer tans, and fried skin. The sweater helps soak up the moisture, cover the ridiculous tan lines, and serves as an impenetrable layer of sunscreen.

Oh this made me laugh. That totally explains it! I will not judge them for wearing those sweaters in 100 degrees F anymore. Clearly they are needed :)