Dealing with Fear

in #life7 years ago


Sometimes in life we have to take a decision or take a call with absolutely no idea of the future. In fact, there will never be an instance where we have clear view of the future, more so in difficult situations. So, what do we do? 

Practically, we do nothing. We either maintain status quo and not take a decision or take a decision with an overwhelming confidence in failure. This is because we give in to so much fear that we fail to see the positive side of things. This behavior is similar to most people being in their comfort zone. Doing something out of the comfort zone is usually accompanied with fear and that is what we experience here.   

You can read about comfort zones here.

What do we do?

What people don’t know is that looking at the positive side takes as much effort as looking at the negative side. We have been looking at the negative side for so long that it has become a habit. It is absolutely easy to give in to fear. This also means that the first time we attempt to be positive it doesn’t seem to be there. That feeling just doesn’t exist because our brain has grown to believe that there is nothing positive outside our zone of influence (or comfort zone).   

There have been instances when people have had traumatic experiences that they immediately shifted from being negative to positive. Let me give you’ll an example, one of my professors back in college had a habit of smoking. He had a 2 year old son at home. Once, when he took a puff and put the cigarette in the ash tray, his toddler came around, picked up the cigarette and put it in his mouth. That habit was traumatic enough for him to give up smoking. Is that a decent example of negative to positive shift in habit? You bet.  

But then do all of us have to wait for such traumatic experience? A bit silly if we wait for such an experience to change. Then what do we do? Use tools to change ourselves and free ourselves of fear.  

How do we do it?

Tools like meditation, affirmations, goal building, etc. help the cause. The only thing is that we need to commit to change and we need to commit to use these tools.   

You can read about affirmations here.

Try starting today and see your life changing. It is said that habit forms in 21 days. So, start using these tools and keep on using for 21 days and see your habit change and with it your life. The best part is that you will notice fear melting away.  

Concluding Thoughts

Believe strongly that whatever happens, happens for the good. It may appear as if things are going down the drain but if we persist new opportunities are made known. So be open to the day, look forward to great experiences and hope for the best. Love is the reliever, fill yourselves with love in handling new things and see fear just vanish away.   

You can take a look at how choices you make can determine your success and your ability to come out of your comfort zone and be free of fear. 

Other interesting articles by the Author  

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Disclaimer: The videos added in the article belong to the users who have posted them on youtube. The Author does not own them nor validates that they belong to the ones who posted them on youtube. The videos are included to give some additional information about the subject being discussed.  


good point. and thanks for the steps on how to effect change. commitment is key. thanks so much for sharing.

Glad you found this useful!

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