his weekend is celebrating. More than two weeks ago, I had resorted to the platform Steemit to request a help to all users to support a friend of my lands in southeastern Venezuela to be
MISS Bolívar, i.e. the
Queen of the beauty of the Bolivar State, Venezuela. This event was held on Saturday September 23rd in the Hall of the Hotel Venetur in the Puerto Ordaz City, being elected my friend, now your friend,
Miss Angela Lozano, who also achieved other bands of recognition.
xactly 18 days ago I had published an article presenting our friend
Angela Lozano, 20 years old, natural of the population of Tumeremo, Sifontes municipality, Bolivar state, who aspired to be elected as Miss Bolívar. It was requested in that post that all users who read will vote for it through a Web page to support it. Anyone who wants to read this review again can read it
We had commented to the steemians that the population of Tumeremo had made great contributions with great characters for the regional development of the entire region of Guyana, which includes the Bolivar State. That our hope of winning our friend could be a reality.
We mention one of the greatest characters Tumeremo has given birth, the engineer Leopoldo Sucre Figarella, who was minister and president of the Venezuelan Corporation of Guyana.
Checked! Steemit is an Advertising Ally.
hen we started our campaign to help
Angela Lozano, she was in the third place, very far from the first places. We said that time, that we were going to experiment with Steemit, to see how efficient it could be to carry out this competition and the international coverage for this type of competences. Well, we've been successful. Definitively, Steemit is an advertising ally, because from the same moment, the readers of the publication were going to vote every 30 minutes for our candidate and 18 days later, she has won. Congratulations to Angela and congratulations to Steemit.
ow, our friend must present herself to the Miss Venezuela pageant, a national event, where she will compete with 24 beauties from the 24 states of our country Venezuela. The pageant of Miss Venezuela is very famous because there have been great representations of the Venezuelan woman as Irene Sáez, Alicia Machado, to name a few. It's a tough competition, because the Venezuelan woman is beautiful. Our friend has talent, presence, body and elegance to face this next challenge.Now, he has to move to the capital city, the disordered Caracas, to train and prepare properly in the hands of experts, including Osmel Souza. We have No choice but to support her; And of course, we will let you know through this platform:
Steemit, the
New Ally of Venezuelan Beauty.
Felicidades a nuestra candidata, ahora ganadora. Mucha suerte en la siguiente etapa!
Nice experiment, that shows how great is this platform. I like the way that we can support different events in the world, no matter if it's for a contest or for helping someone far away. Congratulations, I wish you many success in the next contest =)
Felicitaciones a la ganadora :D
Que padrísimo que ganó! Venezuela siempre se distingue por sus mujeres hermosas! tu sabes cuántos Miss universo ha ganado su país @rdelgadop?
¡Muchas felicidades a tu amiga, @rdelgadop! Y ojalá logre ganar el certamen de Miss Venezuela :)
Felicitaciones a la ganadora.
@rdelgadop Bueno aqui no queda mas que felicitar a la ganadora y que disfrute su premio al maximo.
Honestly Steemit is a great tool when it comes to publicity- I'm glad she was able to use it! She's beautiful, totally deserves it! I wish her luck for the next round!
Felicitaciones a la candidata, asumo que la preparación para Miss Venezuela es muy reñido cono todos éstos certámenes. Muy al margen de ello, Steemit es un buen medio para marketear estos concursos; yo me enteré y voté porque tu publicaste jajajaja!!! Ella tenía un buen jefe de campaña. Saludos
La última parte de tu comentario es acertada. Sé algo de campañas. Y la prima me escribió por eso. No fue más efectiva porque tuvimos, y aún seguimos teniendo, problemas con la Internet. Así que, si necesitas jefe de campaña, aquí estamos.
Que guapetona... me alegra