Ik werd erop gewezen dat jij ook Rotterdammer bent, vind het altijd zo onwaarschijnlijk dat er 'nog meer' Rotterdammers op Steemit zitten, dus kwam even hallo zeggen :-)
^ Above message in Dutch was maybe too much of an assumption that you actually speak Dutch? Anyway, I was notified by Ashley you live in Rotterdam and wanted to say hi to a fellow woman from Rotterdam! <3
(let's say I can understand Dutch quite well haha but I don't speak as good)
Hello! Yeahhhh, Rotterdam represents woohoooo
So good to see the Rotterdammer community growing on Steemit, hope you are having fun! following you <3
Haha! Cool! :D Following Rotterdammers on Steemit is my favorite thing to do! :D Good to meet you here!