I accept the challenge and will do it for the rest of today without a doubt ( its not that big a challenge for me I do smile at a lot of people just have to switch it up to all)
Another smile quote that I like " smile at everyone it makes them wonder what you are up to "
hahaha LOVE IT!!! Lovely to meet someone else that smiles at others... we are a dying breed. lol
Sadly I think your right, do you also get those grumpy looks back from some people when you smile at them, I wonder why takes less muscles to smile tht it doe to have a grumpy expression ( not sure if that is true but I say it enough hoping it will be )
it is true... but if more people did this "challenge" on a daily basis... the resistance would most likely decrease.... (my guess anyway) lol :)
Yes that makes perfect sense to me
So I should resteem s more people see the idea :)
don't let me stop you... lol ;)
thank you xxx
I did ;)