劉曉波 是甚麼? Liu Xiaobo was a CIA asset, a traitor, not a Nobel peace winner.

in #liuxiaobo8 years ago (edited)

And in below I have written a few points explaining why this guy is nothing but another traitor and has been working for the CIA since 1989.
LiuXiabo-380.jpgYou've probably seen enough stories about this guy "hero / Nobel Peace winner" in the past couple of weeks. Let me put up a Link from one of the fake news network "BBC" anyways, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-40403811

After years of observation, it is easy to judge a group of people (Dalai Lama, Liu Xiaobo, Ai Weiwei, Martin Lee, Joshua Wong) who often go to the US to claim the importance of democracy have ulterior motives!

1/ 首先 最大的問題是尾國根本不是一個和平民主國,其主要出口為軍火,債務,阿富汗鴉片,洗腦電影,fake news等 一個只懂投下炸彈及侵略的寡頭政治 (Oligarchy)
First of all, the biggest problem is that the US is not a democratic country, their main exports are fire arms, debt, Afghanistan opium, GM food, propaganda films, fake news and they are very good at bombing other countries and steal natural resources. America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic. So what's the point of discussing democracy in a Oligarchy?


2/ Plato(希臘哲學家), Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rogers, Ron Paul, Doug Casey等美國人均表示"民主"是 Mob Rule(暴徒統治), 所以實質上民運人士在宣揚暴徒統治? 😲
Plato, Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rogers, Ron Paul, Doug Casey all agree that "democracy" is Mob Rule, so we can say those democracy activists are not for peace but mobs.

3/ 歐美式民主制度的國家大部份停滯不前或破產。委內瑞拉、希臘、歐美日印、台灣: "亂" ; 韓國例外因有工業帶動(如李光耀說 "people want jobs, It's not DEMOCRACY. How does voting another man to be the government and he cant produce a job, how does that help you?")
Most of the democratic countries are going down hill or already bankrupt. Venezuela, Greece, Europe, America and India, Taiwan is stuck in the 90's; South Korea is an exception due to it's industry (As Lee Kuan Yew said, "people want jobs, It's not DEMOCRACY. How does voting another man to be the government and he cant produce a job, how does that help you?")

4/ 反而在強權下的地方有過成功管治的例子:新加坡(Meritocracy 精英管理體制)、卡達菲下的利比亞曾是非洲中最富裕穩定的國家,北韓例外因一直是CIA及布殊家族在遠距離操控
There are successful cases under dictatorship. As long as the leader is a good dictator such as Singapore (Meritocracy), Libya was the most prosperous and stable country in Africa under Gaddafi , Except North Korea because it's still run by the CIA and the Bush family. And Saudi etc
Link: https://steemit.com/northkorea/@goldman168/north-korea-is-an-pentagon-vassal-cia-state


http://news.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=26781053 http://www.aboluowang.com/2010/1011/181741.html

Money Liu Xiaobo received from the CIA for his "contribution"

Dalai Lama is a CIA/US Asset


Hi I read your post, well everything except the chinese as I can't read chinese. Your comment about jobs and democracy make a lot of sense. Now mind you I do live in a very democratic country Switzerland but even there I see that there is a hunger for jobs, but we love democracy too. But for peoole in developing countries a job would be much more important than any political specifics. Whether China stays Communist or becomes Democratic etc. must be up to the Chinese people and not foreigners and their Chinese puppets. The US is meddling in other Nations politics but is phobic when it supposedly happens to them.

Thanks Stadex, Thanks for your interest.. I will update my post with English translation when I have a moment. My parents and relatives always bring up Switzerland when it comes to this topic. I can only say that you have the most powerful Rothschild private bank sitting in your country. Those who understand the banking system know that Bank of International Settlement is the central bank of all the central banks. That's why you have a lot of wealth concentrated in your country. Who Controls the Money Controls the World. And the rest of the world struggle and become slaves under the BIS debt based system. Switzerland has enough money (paid on interest from the rest of the world) for their small population to sustain. It has little to do with democracy. That's my personal opinion...