Many good points, but I want to ask, how do you think sex proceeded in nature, before people became civilized?
I'm just having a hard time imagining hunter-gatherer men giving so much attention to the female orgasm!
It just always baffles me, why it's so easy for men to cum compared to women. Penn & Teller in their funny video purport to show that they have discovered a proof of God's non-existence, and the reason is because it takes women 20 min to orgasm, and it takes men 2 min.
But this is indeed a hard question for biologists: how did women orgasm in nature? Is a woman's orgasm a leftover of the male orgasm (I mean before the embryo differentiates into a male)? Female orgasm, after all, is not necessary for baby-making, but male orgasm is.
Some biologists say that lesbianism was rampant in nature, and that's how women came. Some feminists have flipped this and say that women needed many consecutive male partners in order to orgasm (which I find highly unlikely, cos it would mean that women didn't choose who to have babies with, babies were just born randomly, which means sperm wars instead of sexual selection).
What are your thoughts on this?