Okay lets be real. Although the thought of your friends is the sweetest thing she could ever do (because she really wants the best for you) I also would be pissed of.
It is also like a hint 'do something girl!',
And yeah, although there are I guess many also sweet men who really want an honest conversation and are serious about the dating app, there are also truckloads of jackasses who make you question if a monestary wouldnt be a nice next place to live ;)
All in all, a whole experience I guess.!! (Im glad you didnt get genuinly catfished because that stuff is super awkward! Seeing yourself online all of a sudden with a different name or so)
Yeah, in a sense accurate details are a little better. There's only one of me—I don't need self-identity issues too! As far as doing something, I'll get into a relationship when it feels right to me.
It was something strangely ridiculous, thanks for dropping in @karnixxl!~
Im watching catfish marathon at the moment :D hahahaha
not kidding